1929 The Bon Vivant's Companion or How to Mix Drinks by Jerry Thomas


Strain the juice of the lemon,and add it to the water, with sufficient white sugar to sweeten the whole nicely. When well mixed, put in the soda, stir well, and drink while the mixture is in an effervescing state.


A BOTTLE of soda water poured into a large goblet, in which a lemon ice has been placed, forms a deliciously cool and refreshing drink; but should be taken with some care, and positively avoided whilst you are very hot.


Eight ounces of carbonate of soda, six ounces of tartaric acid, two pounds of loaf sugar (finely powdered), three drachms of essence of lemon. Let the powders be very dry. Mix them intimately, and keep them for use in a wide- mouthed bottle, closely corked. Put two good-sized tea- spoonfuls into a tumbler; pour in half a pint of cold water, stir briskly, and drink off.



Four lemons sliced, four ounces of lump sugar,one quart of boiling water. Very fine.A cheaper drink may be made thus. One ounce of cream of tartar, one ounce tartaric or citric acid, the juice and peel of two lemons, and half a pound,or more, of loaf sugar. The sweetening must be regulated ac cording to taste. IS7

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