1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

A .B

1 . A b s in th e Cocktail.

if Abs inthe, t C in , t Syrup o f Anisette or Syrup of Gomme , add o ne dash Oran ge , one da~h Angostura. Shake until froz en, and stra in into cocktai l glass . 2. Absinthe Frappe . if Abs inth e , ~ Sy rup of An isette , double qu a ntity of water. Shake up long enough until t he outside of the shaker is tho roughly covered w ith ice. Strain into smal l tu mblcr.


D E I' G Iii I J K L M N 0 ~

3. Adonis Cockta il.

I dash Oran ge Bitters, 1 Sherry, i Ita li an Ver mouth.

4 . A laska Cockta il. ~Yel l ow Chartreuse, 3 G in (l\ icho lson).

5. A lex ander Cockta il. } Cr0me d e Cacao, ". Rrandy, ~ Fresh Cream . Shake we ll a nd stra in into coc ktai l glass . 6. Alfonso Cockta il. Put one lu mp of sugar in a med ium-s ized wine– glass, 2 das hes of Scc rcstat B itter poured o n t o the su gar, one lump of ice, o ne quarter of the glass Dubonnet, and fill re ma inder with Champagne, a nd squeeze le mo n pee l on t op, a nd sti r s light ly. (The above cocktail was ver y popu lar at Deauville in 1922, during his i\laj esty t he l\:ing of Spain's s tay at th at popu lar Normandy resort..)

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