1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

18. Bloodhound Cockta il. t Gin, } F rench Vermou t h , 1 Tta lian Vermouth. 2 or 3 Strawberries. Shake we ll, an •l s t rain. (This cockta il was in troduced t o London by th e Duke of Manchest er a fe w years ago.) 19. Blue Ribbon Cocktail. ~ Gin, & vVhite i\Iint, ~Cointrea u. Ad d six drops of Breton Cooking B lue !lye ; when shaken t ogether gives this cocktail a ni ce blue colour . (Invented by the Author, at .4ros Clu b, L o11do11, 1919.) l yolk of Egg, l t easpoonful o f Grenad in e, Curas:ao , -/J Brandy ,~ i\ iad<·rc. Shake we ll. Strain. 21. Brandy Cocktail. 2 clash es Angostura, 2 teaspoo n ful s of Gomme Sy rup, l glass Brandy . 22 . Brandy Crustas . Take a small wineglass . mo ist en the rim with lemon, clip rim of glass into castor s uga r, whi ch action gives the glass a frosted appearance . Cut the rind of a half a lemon th e same as you \\·ou Id peel an apple . then fit in to your prepared glass . Then pour into your sha ker r t easpoonful Su gar or Gomme Syrup, 3 <.las hes of J.Jrio li i\l ar~Lsch in o, 3 di\Shes of An gos lu ra l3itters. Jui ce of a { Lemon , l glass B ra ndy. Shake we ll, pour in to your glass , a nd add fruit. 20. Bosom Caresser .

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