1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

29. Brandy Shamparelle . f of Cura9ao (rouge) , t Ye ll ow Chartrc: use , t Anisette, } Brandy. 30. Brandy Smash. Dissolve 1 t easpoonfu l of Sugar ancl wa t er in a s haker, add a few s pri gs of Fresh i\lint, Extract Flavour of i\l int. Draw out s pri gs of :'II int, add one glass of Brandy, shake well, a nd pour in to wineglass h a lf full fine Ice. D ecora te w ith fruits in season. 31. Brandy Sour. r t easpoonful Su gar or Gomme Syrup, Juice of half a L emon, r g lass Brandy. Sha ke well, strain into win eglass , squirt a little syphon on top, d ecora t e w ith fruit. 32. Brazil Cocktail. 3 dashes Angostura, 3 d ash es Abs in t he, ! French Vermouth , ~ Sherry. Stir up well, s train in to cocktail glass , addin g a Cherry, and squ eeze a piece o f Lemon P ee l on t op . 33. Broadway Melody Cocktail. ! Gin, ?J Fren ch Vermo uth, ~ Grand Marnier. (Recipe : B ill Breed , C/evela11d.) a Ita li a n \"ermouth, fr ·white Port, r t easpoonfu l Anise tte i\larie Brisard. (This cocktail was brought out b y the cavalry which got disbanded during the war.) 26 34. Broken Spur Cocktail. r yolk of a Fresh Egg, a G in,

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