1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

79. Doctor Cockta il. ~ Cl'tlcrl11nd 's Swcdi , h 1'1 1nc h, } O ran ge Jui ce, :~ L rmon J 11 ice . Shake we ll and s t rai n in to cocktai l gla.>s . 80. Douglas Cockta il. iJ- N ich o lson 's G in, } French Vermouth. Shake wel l, strain, sq ueeze of orange peel on top.

81 .

Drea 1n Cocktail. } Cura~ao , fr Brandy, 1 dash Abs inthe.

82 . Du B a rry Cocktail. 1 d ash Boonkam B itters , 2 dashes Abs inthe , 2 d ashes Gomme Sy ru p,~ Gin, -} French Vermouth. Sh ake we ll . Strain into coc kt;:i il glass with quarte r s lice of o range .

83. Dubonnet Cocktail. ~Dubonn e t, :~C in .

84. Dubonnet Fizz. J uice of half a n Orange. Ju ice of ha lf a L e mon. r t easpoon fu l of Cherry Brantly, 1 glass Dubonn et. Shake we ll, stra in in to win eglass . a nd scp1irt o f syphon.

85 . Dunlop Cocktail. ,\ Sherry, ff Rum , r

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