1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

97. Fairbank Cocktail. z .d ashes of Creme d e Noy:rn, 2 uashc' of Oran ge B itter~, 1 F rench \'ermou th , ~ (; in. 98. FantasioCocktail. :} Nich o lson's Gin, !. Bra nd y, t White Mint, ! Drioli i\Ja rasch in o . 99. Fascinator Cocktail. ThrE.e da~ hes of An is d e! Oso , I spri g of Fresh Mint, } Fren ch Vermouth . fr G in. (Recipe by J i 1111ny, B erke/man's H otel du N ord , Rauen .) 100. Fernet Branca Cocktail. r tcas pe>on fu l Curac;:ao , ! F ern et Branca , fr Cin zan o \'crmou th . 101 . Fish House Punch . H a lf fill a la r g<' tumb kr wi t h fin e lee , add I glass o f \\'hisky, the Juice o f 1 L emon. F ill \\'ith sy phon. Stir. d ecora te with fruits in sca>on, a nd fl t a little Rum on t op. and sen ·e with s traw . 102 . Flu Cocktail. I u ash of J a ma ica G in ger' I t eas poonful of Le mon Juice . 1 k a< poon fn l H.ock Candy Sy rup , r t easpoon– ful G in gL·r lJrandy. 1 glass of Canad ian Club \Yhis ky. S tir toge the r and se rve in sa1nc g la.-..s . 103. Fourth Degree Cockt a il. } Gin. ·} French Vermouth, } Ba ilor Ita li a n Vermouth. ·! dashes of Abs inthe . 41

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