1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)
91. Egg Nogg (Hot) . Use large ba r g lass. r t easpoonful Sugar, 1 f"resh E gg.
B eat we ll up with spoon by turning bris k ly. a dd boiling Mi lk while stirrin g, then add r glass Brandy . I glass of nu 111. Stir until properly b lended, then grat e n ut me g on top and serve . 92. E lk 's Own Cocktail . ·white of a F resh Egg,-} Cana dia n Cl ub \;l,"hisky, -} Port \.Yine , Juice o f half Lemon , t teaspoon ful Sugar. Shake we ll , s train into wineglass, and a slice of pineapple. 9 3. E m p ire P unch. I n a large tumb ler put 3 or 4 lumps of ice , t hen acid r t easpoonful Drioli Marasch ino, r t easpoonful Cura<;:ao (Bo ls), r t easpoonfu l B ened ictine, t tea – spoonfu I Brandy , r wine glass of Claret . Fi II bal a nce with Ch a m pagne, s tir wel l a nd d ecorate w ith fruits in season . (Recipe from Charlie Forrester , Casi110 - Diej;p,· and Carltoi!- Ca >mes .) 94. E . Nos Cocktail. !i :-rench Vennouth, i} N icho lson's G in, 3
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