1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

138. Hoffman House Cockta il. fr N icholson's G in, } Fre nc h Vermo uth , 1 d ash of Orange B itte rs . Shake we ll a nd s train into cockta il g lass , and squeeze Orange p ee l on t o p. 139. Homestead Cocktail. k Ballo r Ital ian \"crmouth, 1} Gin, 1 s lice of Orange. Shake w e ll and st rain into cockta il g lass .

140. Hoola -Hoola Cocktail. 1 G in , } Cura<;:ao , k O ran ge Juice .

141. Horse's Neck. Pee l a who le r in d of lem o n as you wou lei a n a pplc, then put in la r ge tumble r , add a few lumps of Ice , I t easpoo nful of Su gar, 1 g lass o f Gin, then fill up with Ginger A le .

142. Hot Egg Nogg. Use m ed ium-s ized tumb ler. r Fresh Egg, ·r t easpo1 1

nful Sugar. B eat we ll up, the n add boi l in g Mi lk, then st ir well togl'the r a nd add r glass of Brandy and r g lass of Hum. Stir aga in, then grat e nutme g on t op. The n serve . (Note .-It is rea lly necessary to put a bar spoo n in glass wh ile pouring in the hot milk t o prcven t the glass; from cracking.) 50

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