1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

188 . Monkey's G land Cocktail. I das h of ,\ hs intlH', 1 lea.spoonful o f G ren :idi n e, l O ra nge J uice , ~ >:il·ilobon':-; <._;in. Sh;1kc· \\'Cl l, and s lr:1i n into coc ktai l g lass . (l n\-cn tccl l>y t h e .\ 11tliu r, ;1T1 d ckri,·ing its n a m e fro m Voron off 's e xpe rinwnts in rejuven a tion.) 189 . Mon tana Cocktail. 2 clash l's o f ,\nisctte. 3 clas h es O ran ge Bitters, '~ Fre n c h \'crmo1Tth. ~ S loe G in . - S h a ke "·"II an d s train into cock tai l g b ss, a nd squeeze l .C' mo n Pee 1 on t o p. ;\lornin g Cocktai l. ~ dashes Cun1~ ao, 2 d ash es Drio li i\la rascbino, 2 clas h es O r:rngc Bitkrs, ·2 claslws :\ bs in the , ! w ine– g la ss Bra m!\· , ~ win eglass Fre nch Vermo uth. S tir up ,,·L·ll ,,·i th a s poo n ; strain into cocktai l g lass , puttin g in a Cherry . T\\'ist a piece of L emon P ee l on top and sc n T . (R ecipe by l!a rry j oh11so11 , S a11 Fra11cisco.) 190.

191. l\Io rnin g G lo ry F izz. r white o f E gg . 1 kas poonf11\ o f S u gar , L em o n, 1 teas poonful o f Absinth l', I

r Jui ce of g lass of

Scotc h \\'his ky. S h a ke '""II , and s train tumbler. 1- ill bala n ce \\·ith (Recipe by J-1 arry J o/1J1s o11, 192. :Mounta in Cocktai l.

into m ed ium-s ized Socia o r sypho n. of 1\'ew Orlea11s .)

1 wh i ll' o f a FrL·sh Egg, ,\ Le mo n Syrup, t French Vermo uth , ,', Canadian Club \\'hisky , 3 clash es Orange Bitte rs . Shake we ll and strain into cocktai l glass w ith Cherry. (Rccipefro111 Hofj111a11 Hou se , New York. ) 6 1

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