1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

291 . Tanglefoot Cocktail. !J Cederlu nd 's s,,·edish Punch, ± Bacardi Rum, i Orange Ju ice , i Lemon Juice . 292 . Tango Cocktail. t Cura-;:ao , t Ora n ge Jui ce , l \"ita li Vermouth, l Gin. Sh ake we !1 a nd strain into cocktail glass , a nd squeeze oran ge pee l on t op. 293. Tanta lus Cocktail. ±Forbidden Fruit Liqu eu r, ! B ra ndy , l Lemon Juice . 294. Texas Fizz . r t ea.spoonful of Sugar , Juice o f ;t Orange, Juice of ,t Lemon, r glass of G in. Sh ake ,,·e ll am! stra in in to medium-sized tumbler a nd add syphon . 295. Third Degree Cocktail. fr G in, } F rench \'ermou th, ·l clas hc~ of Abs inthe . Sha ke we ll and si rain into o ld -fas hioned whis ky g lass . 296. Three Mile Limit Cocktail . r t easpoo nful o f Grenad in e , r clash of Lemon Juice , fr Brandy , } Dacardi R um . Shake "·e ll and strain into coc kta il glass . (No te.-Th is cocktail was invented at Harry's New Yorh Bar, Paris, by " Chips ,'' Brighton , the p opit – la.r Bartender . 011e of the effects of the Vo/stead Act, peop le get busy whrn outside of the three miles .) P .S .-Twelve m iles a.I present . 297 . Thunder Cocktail. r t easpoonful Gomme Syrup , r yo lk of E gg , r glass of Brandy, r sprinkle of Cayenn e P epper. Shake well an d strain into cockt a il glass . F Sr

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