1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

(11) Vermouth Cassis. r g lass No illy Prat Vermouth, ~ g lass Cassis, Soda \>\later. (12) Vermouth Curagao . r g lass Fren ch \"crmouth, -!; g lass Cura<;:ao, Soda \ \lat er. (13) Long Drink. Use a tumbler: r g lass Ballo r Ita lia n Vermouth, I liqueur glass G in . F ill up w ith Soda a nd scn·c with small lump o f Ice and oran ge peel o n top. 310. Vermouth Cocktail. 2 d ash es of Angostura , 2 da5hcs o f Ora nge Bi tters, 2 dashes of Gomme Syrup, } g lass French Vermouth, -!; g lass Ita lia n Vermouth . Shake wel l a nd strain into cocktai l glass , antl squeeze lemon p eel on top. 311. Vie en Rose Cockta il . t Lemon Juice, t Grenadine, ! Gin, :} E irsch– wasser. Shake we ll a nd s tra in . 312. Virgin Cocktail. :} Forbidden Fruit L iqueu r, :} \\l1i tc Crcrne de Menthe , :} Gin . Shake well and s train into cocktail g lass . 313. Volstead Cocktail. :} Canadian Clu b Whis ky, :} Ceclcrluncl 's Swedish P unch,+, Ora nge Juice , t Syrup Frambo ise , r clash o f Anisette Marie B risard . This cocktail was invented at the Harry's New York Bar , Paris , in hono ur o f M. And rew J . Vo!– st eacl, who brough t out the Dr y Act in U .S .A . and was the means of sendin g to E urope su ch la rge numbers of Americans to quen ch their thirst. 86

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