1930 ABC of Mixing Cocktails (ninth impression)

In Poker , like a glass of beer, you draw to fill.

To Tommy and Jack. \Vh o have arms for their girls a nd arms for their co un t ry's foes. Our Country. i\J ay sh e a hn:i.ys be in the rig ht., but our count r y, rig ht or \\'!'Ong. May the devil cut the toes off all our foes, that we may know them by their limping.

H ere's to a chaperone.

May she learn from Cupid Just enou gh blindness to be swee tl y stu pid .

i\Iay Dame I'ortune ever smile on you, but never her daughter, i\liss I'ortune .

To t h e Hardware Trade. Although they pro fess to honest y, they sell iron anrl steel for a li ving . Toast to Writers. H ere 's to the angel who shoves the quill ; \Vhen he 's n ot sick of himself he ma kes at.hers ill. Toast to the Politician. If a nation h a th not greatness then it can never be great, F or there's noth ing like to virtue in the building of a s tate. G 97

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