1930 Prohibition Punches A book of Beverage by Roxan B. Doran
both my pleasure and my privilege to preface. l see in them a courageous-and I beli eve i t will be a successful-effo r t tu g ive m; something to think about in the beverage line oth er 1han our g ri e\·– ances against an amendment whi ch some ha,· e been pleased to cons ider an infringeme n t up on t heir "persona l li beri~' ," as i t deprives t hem of a little personal indulgence. Too long we Ameri– cans have been sulking , like th e small boy, because we couldn't sup the nectar of a " fo rbidd en fruit . " It is high time to do a littl e menta l housecleaning and turn our minds to thoughts of fruit s of which we can partake without incurring inevitabl e p en a l– ties of law and nature. The E ight eenth Amendment is a permaneut part of our Constitution. vVhy not recognize thi s fact and turn our attention to findin g something to fill our national goblet l egitimately ? Mrs. Doran ha s pointed the way for a new line of thought in this direction which will make for a healthier and more contented mental attitude than American society has known since the chaotic p eriod of the -world War.
vVashington, D. C., May 1, 1930.
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