1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book


* Fill mixing glas s w ith fine ice One pony of Kiimmel One pony of Gin Two dashes of French Vermouth Shake well and strain


From an old German custom. If you wanted more, you'd return the glass to its former resting place top side up. If not, over the left shoulder it went into the 'fire-place.

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* Use small tumbler and mix d1oroufb!y R ye or Bourbon Whiskey 'Vorcestenhire Sauce Chili Sauce in equal proportions Add juice of half Lemon


Once we tried to get friendly with this one, but gave it up as a bad job. Excellent for bold, bad m~n from Chic&go becau.se after three shots from this devil's delight, it makes them utterly harmless. An excellent and painless way to die young. ·


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* One dash of Angostura Bitten · Three dashes of Orange Hitters One jigger of Tom Gin in a mixin1Htl11ea half-full of fine ice Mix:, strain into cocktail glass Add a piece of twi sted Lemon Peel * Two parts Dry Gin One part French Vermouth


\Vhen you've been parlaying your bets all after– noon, and in the Sixth Race your horse loses by the proverbial nose, rush anywhere at all for a TURF. (Try it double-strength.)


This is an old one found in the memoirs of my great-grandmother. She claims she got my grandfather with this one. Anyway, it makes a good story, if you believe it!

Two dashes Maraschino Two dashes Oxygennee One dash Peyschaud Bitten Add Ice, shake and serve .,.


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