1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book
Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me- Shoo, fly, don't bother nu! Shoo, fly , don 't hot her me/ Slioo, fly, don't bother me/ I belong to Company G!
I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star. I f eel, I f eel, I feel, Ifeel like a 111omi11g star. . .•. ..
·* TwQ parts Dry Gin One part French Vermouth Two dashes of Maraschino Two dashes Cura1 TUXEDO SPECIAL Similar to the Tuxedo except that the Oxygennee is replaced with Cura~ao and the rim inoistened. . Moisten rim with a pi~ce of Lemon Peel and dip into powdered sugar * Mixing.glass half.foll of fine ice Two dashes of Boker'a Bitten One jigger of Italian Vermouth Mix well and strain into cocktail gl11n Add a piece of Lemon Peel * Same mixture with French in5tead of I talian Vermouth Ha,•e mixing.glass half-full of fine ice Add three dashes of Marascb.ino Two dashes of Boker's Bitters One jigger of I talian Vermouth One dash of O range Bitters M ix and strain into cocktail glass Moisten r im with a piece of L emon Peel and djp into powdered sugar VERMOUTH COCKTAIL Somewhere along in the gay nineties, Vermouth was introduced into this country. Up till then cocktails were never really considered an im– portant asset in the art of being a good host. The addition of Vermouth, however, added both zest and punch, and soon all the gay Late-Victorian parties had to have their cocktails. VERMOUTH COCKTAIL-DRY French Vermouth is less sweet than Italian, and is used in all dry cocktails. VERMOUTH COCKTAIL-FANCY If it's as good to the palate as it is to the eye, it's good! . ·-· . VERMOUTH COCKTAIL- FRENCH Another va r ia tion for conno 1~ seu rs. T hree dashes of Or11nge Bitters in mixing– l!less half.full of fine ice Add one jigger of French Vermouth Mix well, strain into cocktail glass Add a piece of twisted Lemon Peel on top
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