1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


THE OUTSTANDING VINTAGES OF CLARET FOR I'HE LAST 60 YEARS AND THEIR CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS ARE 1865. A wonderful vintage. 1870. Big. Hard for many years, but now sought for by connoisseurs. 1874. Good. 1875. Probably the best vintage ever made in the Haut-Medoc ; the wines are now becoming a little worn, but are still most interesting. A few are still to be found in certain wine lists. 1877. Good. 1893. Excellent. 1899. A wonderful vintage. The best since 1875. Full, round, splendid bouquet, with all the high est qualities of the wines of the Haut-Medoc. 1900. Excellent wines : sweeter than, but not so much body as, 1899's. A wonderful vintage. 1905. Good wines, sweet and fine bouquet. 1914. Good, sound wines, possessing fine colour, good body and roundness of flavour. A very good vintage resembling the celebrated vin tage of 1900. 1917. This is a good vintage. The wines possess smoothness, delicacy and breeding. Their chief characteristic is their agreeableness. They are reasonable in price. 1918. A good vintage that has much improved, clean, with good body and softness of texture. 1919. Very good, healthy, and attractive, good body. 1920. Has developed well, good breed, elegance, finesse and splendid body. It has lost its original hardness. 1922. A plentiful and fairly good year. 1923. A good year. 1924. An excellent vintage, some of the higher classed wines likely to become very fine.


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