1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


Unlike the Medoc wines, which come from eleven different communes, the great white wines come from five communes only, namely :—SAUTERNES, BARSAC, BOMMES, PREIGNAC and FARGUES. Although the soil in these districts is peculiarly suitalile to the best production of white wines, it is interesting to note that another factor enters into the wine-making here. For the best wines, the white grapes of Sauternes are used from at least two and sometimes three dirierent species of vines, and the grapes are not eonsidered sufficiently ripe to be gathered until they appear wrinkled and over-ripe. The grape must have a thin layer of " mustiness," called pourriture, before it is picked. This un doubtedly has much to do with the eventual fine flavour of the wines. Here is a list of the finest Growths :—

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