1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


their boundaries can properly be called Burgundies, although the law is certainly not so stringent upon this point as in the case of the Champagnes. True Burgundy, like Champagne, is the produce of certain particular vines, grown upon a particular soil, and under specific conditions which are only to be found in the districts named above. On the other hand, real Burgundy is marketed in such a manner that it is very much more difficult to obtain assurance of accurate origin than is the case with either Champagne or Claret. For example, in purchasing a Chateau Bottled Claret one can be absolutely certain that the wine is the careful and perfect product of the vineyard of the actual Chateau. In the case of Burgundy these conditions are fundamentally different, for a single great vineyard bearing a famous name and situated, perhaps in a commune of equal fame, may be split up among as many as a dozen owners and vintagers, each producing wine in their own fashion, and possessing their own brand labels, etc. Even so, the wine is eventually sold under the name of the whole vineyard, and this fact renders it necessary for the connoisseur to exercise extreme care in selecting a Burgundy that will be consistent with his exact tastes. The C6te D'Or, first among the Burgundy producing ' departements,' is renowned for its Red


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