1930 Two Hundred Selected Drinks by K W Sundin

No. 12. Campill Cocktail. Fill a large bar glass half full of broken ice and add: 2 dashes of Anisette 1/2 glass of Whisky 1/4 glass of Italian Vermouth 1/2 glass of French Vermouth. Stir well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Caresse interieure. (Bosom Caresser) Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: No. 14. Champagne Cocktail. In a champagne glass put a lump of sugar, soak it with Angostura Bitter, squeeze the essence of two or three lemon peels in the glass, add a lump of ice and fill the glass with iced . Champagne,stir up slightly with the mixing spoon, squeeze and drop another piece of lemon peel in the glass. No. 15. Champs Elysees Cocktail. Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1/3 ot Brandy 1/3 ot Chartreuse 1/3 ot sweetened lemon juice 1 dash of Angostura bitter. Shake well and strain into a small wine glass. No. 13. 1/3 of Brandy 1/3 ot Curacao 1/3 ot Grenadine syrup The yolk of a fresh egg. Shake well,' strain into a tumbler.


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