1930 Two Hundred Selected Drinks by K W Sundin

No. 93.

Hoch Cobbler. Fill a tumbler 3/4 full of broken ice and add: The juice of halt a lemon

Sugar according to taste 2 glasses of Rhine wine Half a glass of Brandy.

Fill up with cold soda water, decorate the top neatly with slices of fruit in season, serve with straws and a spoon.

No. 94. Maxim Cobbler. Fill a tumbler 2/3 full of broken ice and add:

The juice of an orange A teaspoonful of sugar 1/2 a glass of Brandy 1/2 a glass of Portwine.

Fill up with soda water, decorate with fruit in season and serve with straws and a spoon.

No. 95. Rocky Mountains Cobbler. FUl a tumbler 2/3 of broken ice and add: The juice of half a lemon Sugar according to taste 1 glass of Gin 2/3 of Anisette 1/3 of Green Curacao. Fill up with cold soda water, decorate the top neatly with slices of fruit in season. Serve with straws and a spoon.


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