1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt


Eaten with a cream sauce or whipped



2 mameys 1 cup milk 4 eggs ~ cup sugar

~ teaspoonful powdered cinnamon. R emove s tone and filaments of ma- ~ieve, Add sug'ar, eggs , m ilk a nd cinnamon . Mix well and bake in buttered mold in a pan of water. This desert is typically Cuban. It may seem too int ensely sweet and rich to North American palates . Some may relish it, however, as they may enjoy kindred preparations of sugar and eggs . 12 eggs 2 lbs. sugar 2 cups water 3 tabl espoonfuls flour vanilla, lemon or Sherry wme fla– voring. m ey s, p ass raw fruit th rough DOUBLE YOLKS. (yemas dobles).

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