1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt

Make a syrup of the sugar and water. When it begins to thicken. set half of the syrup aside; put the other half in a skillet~ let simmer gently. Take twelve egg yolks~ beat intensely until they become thick and almost white. Then beat until stiff. whites of three eggs; mix with yolks and beat both together for a while. Sift through a fine sifter three t easpoon fuls of flour and add little by little. sifting it into the heaten eggB. Drop a tablespoonful of this mixture into the simmering syrup. In a moment it will float. for~ing a Yje!low disc. which is then folded m two with a slummer. like a diminutive omelet. Remove with the skimmer and place in a glass bowl or other recipient. Con– tinue. spoonful by spoonful. not coplcing more than two or three at a time in the syrup. until all the egg mixture has been disposed of. If the syrup should thicken too much add a spoonful or two of water~ if it has become absorbed by the egg. add more syrup from your reserve. When all your little omelets are ready. strain the syrup which remams

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