1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett


ASTOR Perhaps after John Jacob of that name; perhaps after William Waldorf, his cousin; however, chances are, it was originated either at the old Astor House or the Astor Hotel, and took its name from its bar of nativity.

One dash of Lemon Juice ยท One dash of Orange Juice Pne jigger of Gin One jigger of Swedish Punsch


So designated becaia.se its chief component, originally the distillation of the juice of Cuban sugar cane, was called by that name-and probably is still so termed. Two jiggers Bacardi Rum Two Limes A little Sugar A little Grenadine Shake well in crushed Ice

BACARDI No. 2 (claret glass)

Juice of one Lime One-half spoonful Sugar A drink of Bacardi Rum A little Pineapple Juice Shake well and pour into cup champagne glass, filled with shaved Ice


(whiskey glass) Dash of Orange Bitters

One-quarter Italian Vermuth One-quarter French Vermuth One-half Gordon Gin Slice of Orange Peel, old-fashioned style ( II9 J

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