1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett


CHARLIE ROSE One pony Brandy

Slice of Lemon placed on top

CLOVER CLUB A Philadelphia importation, originated, it is said, in the bar of the old Bellevue-Stratford, where the Clover Club, composed of literary, legal, financial and business lights of the Quaker City, often dined and wined, and wined again.

(star glass) Juice one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One-h.alf pony Raspberry One-fourth pony White of Egg One jigger Gin Shake well; strain


Named, according to Solon, after a man who was ranking officer either of the New York Yacht Club or the Larch– mont Yacht Club. Anyhow, as there were two Commodore cocktails, there were enough to go around.

One-half teaspoon Sugar One dash Lemon Juice White of one Egg

One drink of Bacardi Rum One dash of Grenadine -– One dash of Raspberry Syrup Frappe


One-third Lemon Juice One-third Bourbon Whiskey One-third Creme de Cacao Dash Grenadine Syrup Frappe in champagne glass [ 127]

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