1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett



Dash of Orange Bitters One-half Scotch One-half Italian Vermuth Stir


Two claimants to the honor of being its namesake. One was "Bob" Hilliard, actor and matinee idol, and a frequent patron of the Bar. The other was "Tom" Hilliard, for many years actual manager ~f the Waldorf, under Boldt.

Dash of Peychaud Bitters . One-third Italian Vermuth

0 1fwo-thirds Dry Gin Stir; strain

HOLLAND GIN Dash ofAngostura Bitters One jigger Holland Gin Stir; strain


Two dashes Angostura Bitters One teaspoon Lime Juice One teaspoon Orange Juice One jigger Torri Gin Frappe; twist Lemon Peel on top


.. One-third Italian Vermuth One-third French Vermuth One-third Whiskey Frappe

HONOLULU COCKTAIL (a la Mr. Smith) Two jiggers Gin

A little less than half a jigger of Orange Cura<;ao Juice of half a Lime [ 141]

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