1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Fancy Potations and Otherwise

LAWYER'S REVENGE Much milder than its name, and producing an effect far less deleterious than one might suppose a revengeful lawyer would be apt to inflict. (star) One-fourth spoon Sugar Piece ofOrange Peel Qne-halfjigger Water; mix well Fill mixing glass with Ice Put over it.one jigger Port Wine Add dash of Vichy


Juice of one Lemon One-half spoonful Sugar Fill with plain Water Shake; fruit

(Fruit) LEMONADE (a la Taylor) Equal parts of

Raspberry Syrup,-Strawberry Syrup, Pineapple Sy,rup, Lemon Juice, Currant or Blackberry Juice and Orange Juice with small pieces of Banana Fill glass with sparkling Water


(lemonade) Three dashes Acid Phosphate

One spoon Lemon Juice Fill with Lemon Soda Stir [ 203]

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