1931 Shake'em Up a Practical Handbook of Polite Drinking (3rd printing)
If one or more of your guests arriyes after the others are already playing London Bridge or Patty-cake, snake them to the kitchen and get them off to a good start. If you attempt to do this by mere volume, the effects will be lamentable. The mechanisms which are supposed to transport the re.fined alcohol to the brain will at first merely curl up with low moans. Later, bucked up by the sur– rounding stimulant, they will awaken and be– gin functioning in a big way. At about the time you bring on the roast, the belated guest will begin jumping up and down on the ceiling in a playful manner. The thing to do is to give the late-comer a moderate dose but in a heated form. Heat acts on the villi and such things like an air-mail stamp. Hence the following:
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