1932 The art of Mixing by James A Wiley

... 4 4 4 4 .,. 4 4 4 4 . 4. 4 4 4 u 4 4«14 4 .... . 4 4 •• -- - R ye Whiskey, 3 dash es orange bitters, and ice. Scramble the m erger considerably then strain into glass. For a fri end, mix the following: 1 white of egg, 1 t easpoonful of sugar, 1 small glass of Gin, juice of 1 l emon, throw a bevy of ice in the shaker, just to m ak e some noise, then, and then only put in 1h wineglass of fresh cream of the cow. Spend the n ext coupla minutes prodigiously shaking, then strain into a bucket and dilute with seltzer. NIGHT-CAP Collect the yolk of one uncooked egg and add 1/ 3 Anisette, 1/ 3 Curacao, and 1/ 3 Brandy. Chill with a fr eezing glance, scramble the in· gredients thoroughly, strain-Good Night! 28 - -- NEW ORLEANS GIN Fizz


Try on your golfing friends : 1/ 3 Scotch Whisk ey with 1/ 3 Italian Ver· mouth and 1/ 3 Sherry. Just mix and drink. Do not serve to incipient ser en a der s.

NINETEEN-TwENTY CoCKTAIL Use 1 dash of Absinthe, 1/ 6 Kirschwasser, 1/ 6

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