1932 Wet Drinks For Dry People by William C Feery
PREFACE The drinks in this book are to be mixed, for the most part, with the ordinary items you have in your pantry or kitchen cupboard, and Gin or Whisky. The primary purpose therefore, is to make good drinks with today's ingredients. We have found it advisable to include a few old favorite drinks which call for a more elaborate cellar (or kitchen cabinet) but these are very few, and are included only because of popular appeal. With lemons or limes, oranges, pineapple (canned preferably), grapefruit or canned cherries, a host of palatable and inviting drinks can be concocted. The size of the glasses in which the drinks are best served is suggested at the top of each recipe. It might be well to state here that the cock tail is an American and not a European drink, having been first concocted in this country.
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