1933 300 Drinks and How to mix'em
Glasgow Flip
Beat 1 egg thoroughly. Add the juice of 1 lemon. % tahle-spoon powdered sugar. Balance cold ginger ale. Stir well and serve.
Port Wine Flip (A large bar glass)
1 egg. 1 table-spoon sugar. % glass of fine Ice.
1 wine-glass port wine. Use a shaker In mixing. Strain into a wine-glass.
Grate a little nutmeg on top. Servo. Sherry Flip (A large bar glass) % the glass fine ice. 1 egg. % table-spoon sugar. wine-glass sherry. Shake well; strain into a fancy glass with nutmeg on top. Serve. Whiskey FUp Is prepared same as Brandy Fhp, substituting whisky for brandy. Gin and Calamus (A whisky glass) Steep 2 or 3 pieces calamus root, cut in small bits in a bottle of gin until the essence is extracted. To serve, you simply hand out the glass together with the bottle, allowing the customer to help himself. Gin and Milk (A whisky glass) Put out a glass and bar spoon with the bottle of gin, allowing the customer to help himself, after he btm done so, fill up the glass with ice-cold milk.
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