1933 300 Drinks and How to mix'em
Knickerbocker (Large bar glass) 2 table-spoons raspberry syrup. Juice of half a lemon. A slice of pineapple and orange. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. % wine-glass Curacoa. Fill glass with fine ice; stir weU, adding fruit In sea son, and imbibe through a straw. Hot Lemonade (A large bar glass) 1 table-spoon sugar; % a lemon squeezed well; fiU the glass with hot water; stir well, and serve. Pour a little hot water into the glass and shake around it before making the drink to prevent the glass from cracking. Italian Wine Lemonade (A large bar glass) 1 table spoon sugar, dissolved in a little water. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. % glass filled with fine ice. 1 wine-glass sherry, claret, or Port wine. Fill up with water; stir well; dress top with fruits, and serve with a straw. % glass fine ice. 1 table-spoon sugar. Juice of 1 orange. 1 or 2 dashes lemon Juice. FUl up with water; shake and dress with fruit. Serve with a straw. Lemonade Slice very thin 3 lemons, to which add % lb. of white lump sugar; mix weU together, and throw in one gal lon water. Orange Lemonade (A large bar glass)
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