1933 300 Drinks and How to mix'em



Balaklavo Nectar (For a party of fifteen)

Thinly peel the rind of % lemon, shred It fine, and put it in a punch bowl, add 4 table-spoonfuls of crushed sugar and the juice of one lemon. 1 gill of Maraschino. 2 bottles of soda. 2 bottles of claret wine. 2 bottles of champagne. Stir well together and dress the top with fruits in season. Punch a La Fork (For bottling) 2 lbs. of lo£if sugar. 3 dozen lemons. 1 pint of Cognac. 1 pint Jamaica rum. The lemons should have smooth rinds j peel the yel" low rinds off quite thin with a sharp knife, place them in an earthen vessel; add the sugar and stir thorough ly for nearly half an hour to extract the essential oil. Pour on boiling water, and stir until the sugar is com pletely dissolved. Cut and squeeze the lemon, straining the Juice from the pits. Place the pits in a jug and pour boiling water upon them to obtain the mucilage from them. Pour Vz of the lemon juice into the syrup, strain the water from the pits, and add it also to the syrup, tak ing care that the syrup is not too watery. Next, add more sugar or lemon juice, to make the mixture according to the taste. Lastly, add and stir in the above amount of spirits into eveiy 3 quarts of lemonade, and bottle. Keep in a cool place. Fedora (Use a large hEir glass) 1 pony of the best brandy. 1 pony of Curacoa.

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