1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

94. Brandy ·smash (Use small ba r glass )

Yi tablespoonfu l of white sugar I do. water. I wine-glass of brandy.

iFill two-thirds full of shaved ice, use two sprigs of mint, the same as in the receipt for mint julep. L ay two small pieces of orange on top, and ornament w ith berries 111 season.

95. Gin Smash (Use small bar gbss) Yi tablespoonfuL of white sug<}r. I do. water. I wine-glass of gin.

Fill two-thirds full of sh'aved ice, use two sprigs 0£ mint, the same as in the receipt for mint julep. Lay two small pieces 0£ orange on top, and ornament wi th berries 111 season. 96. Whiskey. Smash (Use small bar glass) ;Ii tablespoonful of white sugar. 1 do. water. 1 wine-glass of whiskey, Fill two-thirds full of s.haved ice, and use two sprigs of mint, the same as in the receipt for mint julep.

97. POP-Pl-YA COBBLER Like the j ulep, this delicious potation is an American invention, although it is now a favorite in all warm climates. This drink is made the same way as the Sherry cobbler, using Pop-Pi-Ya instead of she·rry. 32

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