1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

I 12. Fancy Gin Cocktail

Y:\-"~,1 113. Japanese Cocktail I ,- Al ' T ., (Use small bar glass) tablespoonful of orgea t syrup.= FR..

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Yi teaspoonful of bitters. I wine-glass of brandy. I piece of lemon peel.

Fill the tumbler one-third with ice, and stir we ll wi th a spoon.

I 14. Jersey Cocktail ( Use small bar glass)

teaspoon£ul 0£ suga r.

2 dashes of bitters. Fill tumbler with cider, and mix well, with lemon peel Oil top. I 15. Soda Cocktail (Use large bar glass} The same as Jersey cocktail, using soda-water instead of cider. I 16. Martinez Cocktail Yi wine-glass gin (Old Tom). 0 do. Vermouth. 2 dashes orange bitters. 3 dashes gum syrup. Strain in cocktail glass. 36

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