1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

13. Pop-Pi-Ya Punch ( Cse la rge bar g lass )

2 wine-glasses of Pop-Pi-Ya wine. I tablespoonful of sugar. 2 slices of orange. 2 do. lemon. Fili the tumbler wi th shaved ice, shake well , and orna– ment with berries in season. Sip through a st raw.

14. Claret Punch (Cse larg e ba r g lass )

1 0 tablespoon fu l of sugar. 1 slice of lemon. 2 do. orange.

Fili the tumbler with shaved ice, and then pour in your claret, shake well, and ornament wi th berries in season. Place a st raw in the glass. T o make a quantity of claret punch , see " Imperial P unch," N o. 4 1. 15. Sauterne Punch (Gse la rge ba r gla ss} The same as claret punch, using Sauterne instead of claret. 16. Port Wine Punch (Gse large ba r g la ss} The same as claret punch, using por t w ine instead of claret , and ornament with berries in season.

17. Vanilla Punch (Gse large ba r g lass )

1 tablespoonfu l of suga r. 1 w ine-glass of brandy. The juice of )i of a lemon. 6

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