1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, ornament with one or n vo slices of lemon, and flavor with a few drops of vanilla ext ract.


Pineapple Punch

(For a pa rty of ten)

4 bottles of Pop-l?i-Ya wine. I pint of J amaica rum. I do. brandy.

I gilrl of Curacoa. Juice of 4 lemons. .+ pineapples, sliced. Sweeten to taste with pulverized white sugar.

Put the pineapple with one pound of sugar in a glass bowl, and let them stand until the sugar is well soaked in the pineapple, then add all the other ingredients, except the Pop-Pi-Ya wine. Let this mixture stand in ice for about an hour, then add the wine. Place a large block of ice in the center of the bowl, and ornament it with loaf sugar, sliced orange, and other fru its in season.

19. Wine-After Bottling

Wine after bottling should not be left standing up– right, but placed into holes shaped r acks, bottles being placed slantingly neck downward. Wine improves after being bottled. 7

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