1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

224. Pony Brandy (Use pony glass) Fill the pony-glass with best brand y, and hand it to your customer.

225. Brandy and Soda (Sometimes called Stone Wall) (Use la rge bar glass)

wine-glass of Cognac brandy. 31 glass of fine ice. !Fill up with plain soda.

226. Brandx and Gum ( Use small bar g lass) Same as brandy straigh t, with one dash of gum sy rup. 227. Pop-Pi-Ya and Egg ( Use small bar glass) egg. wi ne-glass of Pop-Pi-Ya. 228. Sherry and Egg ( Use small bar glass) egg. wine-glass of sherry. 229. Sherry and Bitters (Use small ba r g lass) Put lump of ice in a glass, and fill :with wine. 230. Wilson Bill Whiskey and suga r. 23 I. Chocolate Flip I wine-glass port wine. I spoon suga r. 1 egg. Dash of rum. Strain in w ine-glass. Nutmeg. 64

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