1933 Fine Beverages and Recipes fo Mixed Drinks by J & C Sasena

American Flag Special {We Hailthe Return ofFreedom)

Mixing glass Juice of one lime Teaspoonful ofsugar Ice 2oz. Gin Shake well Strain into a cocktail glass Pour in from side of glass few drops of Creme Yvette and over the top pour a few dashes of Angostura Bitters Serve Repeal Special {Drink a Toast to AISmith!) Mixing glass Juice of one lime Teaspoonful ofsugar Ice 1 oz. Bacardi Rum oz. Gin


Yi oz. Apple Jack Brandy Few drops of Grenadine White of one egg Shake well and strain into a large cocktail glass Serve

Prosperity Silver Cocktail {In Honor of Father Coughlin)

Mixing glass Yi orange cut up and moddled Fine ice 1 oz. Gin Yi oz. Italian Vermouth Y oz. French Vermouth White of one egg Shake well Strain into a large cocktail glass Serve 1101

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