1933 Fine Beverages and Recipes fo Mixed Drinks by J & C Sasena

Lone Tree Cocktail

Fill mixing glass with fine ice 1 oz. Plymouth Gin 1 oz. French Vermouth Add a piece of orange peel and frappe. Strain, and serve

Lilly Cocktail Into a mixing glass squeeze juice of one lime One teaspoonful of fine sugar Fill glass with ice 2oz. Gin Frappe. Strain into a cocktail glass, adding a few drops of' Raspberry Syrup.

Bacardi Cocktail

Putjuice ofone lime into a mixing glass with one teaspoonful of fine sugar Fill glass with ice

Add 2oz. Bacardi Rum Four drops Grenadine Shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass

Royal Smile Cocktail Putjuice of one lime into a mixing glass Fill glass with fine ice Add%oz. Apple Jack Brandy %oz. Gin %oz. Grenadine Shake well. Strain into cocktail glass 1161

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