1933 Fine Beverages and Recipes fo Mixed Drinks by J & C Sasena

Hot Whiskey Take a soda glass with one tablespoon of sugar, a piece of lemon peel, a dash of nutmeg,few cloves Add a little hot water to dissolve sugar,2oz. Whiskey Fill glass with boiling water. Stir and serve with a spoon.



Take a Sherry glass filled with fine ice Add%of Green Creme de Menthe Fill up with Cream. Serve with short straws All cordials can be served with cream on top, except Brandy. Pousse Cafe Take a cordial glass with few drops of Grenadine, then with the help of a teaspoon add the following: 1/6 Green Creme de Menthe 1/6 Curacao 1/6 Maraschino 1/6 Yellow Chartreuse 1/6 Brandy In making a Pousse, the greatest care should be taken to keep all the ingredients in separate layers. This may be done by pouring'the different materials over the back ofa teaspoon. It requires a steady hand and careful manipulation to succeed in making a perfect Pousse Cafe.



Pousse L'Amour

Sherry glass Y2 oz. Maraschino 1 yolk of egg Y,oz. Benedictine Y oz. Brandy Serve


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