1933 Here's How by George A Lurie




Gin 1 jigger Raspberry Syrup...1 pony Lemon 2 dashes Shake well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cube of ice, seltzer to fill and serve with straws.



1 jigger Anisette

1 spoon

Lemon 1 spoon Sugar Syrup 1 spoon Seltzer to fiU Shake well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cube of ice, seltzer to fill and serve with straws.


Rum to fill Stir well with ice in tall highball glass, add soda to fill and serve with straws. 1% jiggers Plain Soda

RUM—WHITE ROCK 1 jigger White Rock

Rum to fill Stir well with ice in tall highball glass, add White Rock to fill and serve with straws.


Bitter Secrestat..1 jigger Curacoa

1 pony

Plain Soda to fill Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cube of ice, soda to fill and serve.


Cognac 1 jigger Creme de Cassis..! pony Seltzer to fiU Shake well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill and serve with straws.

SHANDY CAFF 2 jiggers Ginger Ale

Ale to fill Stir ale well with ice in tall highball glass, add ginger ale to fill and serve with straws.

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