1933 Here's How by George A Lurie





1% jiggers Lemon

3 spoons 1 sprig

Sugar Syrup 1 spoon Mint

Seltzer to fill Shake well with ice, strain into goblet, fill with seltzer and serve immediately. ORAL FIZZ Lemon juice of Jamaica Rum 1 pony Sugar 1 spoon Port Wine 1 pony Egg 1 white Shake well with ice, strain, fill goblet with siphon. 3 spoons Sugar Syrup 1 spoon Orange Bitters...2 dashes Seltzer .... to fill Shake well with ice, strain into gohlet, fill with seltzer and serve immediately. PEACH BLOW p'" jiggers Peach Syrup 2 spoons Lemon 2 spoons Cream 2 spoons Sweet Soda •to fill Shake well with ice, strain into goblet, fill with soda and serve immediately. PINK LADY p'" 1% jiggers Grenadine 2 spoons spoons Egg white only Seltzer to fill Shake^ well with ice, strain into goblet, fill with seltzer and serve immediately. RAMOS FIZZ • v;, Cream 1 pony Orange Water....2 spoons Egg of white Cemon .. .1 spoon Sugar Syrup 1 spoon Seltzer to fiU Shake^ well with ice, strain into goblet, fill with seltzer and serve immediately. ORANGE FIZZ 1% jiggers Orange Gin

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