1933 Mixer's Guide



EGGNOG Use large bar glass, one-half full shaved ice, one tablespoonful of fine sugar, one-half wine glass of rum, one-half wine glass of brandy, one egg, fill up with milk. Shake well, grate nutmeg on top and serve. EGGNOG (U/z GALLONS) Yolks of 10 eggs beaten until thin, stir in 1% pounds of fine sugar until sugar is thoroughly dissolved, pour in % pint of rum, one quart of brandy. Mix well by stirring; then pour in the milk, slowly stirring all the while, to prevent curdling. Pour carefully on top the whites of the eggs which have been beaten to a stiff froth. Fill punch glasses from the bowl with ladle; sprinkle a little nutmeg on top and serve.


Use a tall, thin glass. One egg.

Two teaspoonfuls of fine sugar. One-half wine glass of rum. One wine glass of brandy. Fill up with hot milk; stir well; strain into glass and serve with a litde nutmeg on top.


One tablespoonful of sugar. One fresh egg. 100 per cent Brandy.

Jigger measure.

Fill ^ass with hot milk. Shake thoroughly with shaker, strain, grate nutmeg on top and serve. IMPERIAL EGGNOG Use large bar glass. One-third full of shaved ice. One teaspoonful of fine sugar. One fresh egg. One wine glass of brandy. One-half wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill glass with milk; shake well; strain into tall, thin glass; grate nutmeg on top and serve.

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