1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Marguerite Cocktail

Mix equal parts of gin and Vermouth with i dash each of bitters and absinthe. Shake with fine ice, and strain into cocktail glass.

Tom Gin French Vermouth Orange Bitters Absinthe Ice

Martini Cocktail

Make as you do a Manhattan Cocktail (which see), except that you use gin for rye and an olive for a cherry.

Merry Widow Cocktail Dry Gin French Vermouth Boker's Bitters Benedictine Ice

Into a shaker % full of shaved ice put equal parts of gin and Vermouth, with 2 dashes each of bitters and Benedic tine. Shake well and pour.

Metropole Cocktail Orange Bitters Syrup, Plain Vermouth, French Brandy Ice

With shaved ice shake up equal parts of brandy and Vermouth, 3 dashes of bitters, and 2 dashes of syrup. Strain into a cocktail glass and drop in a cherry.


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