1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Pousse Cafe (French) Cognac Curaqao, Orange Maraschino Chartreuse, Green

Into a tall liqueur or pousse cafe glass introduce the following in the order named below and in equal quantities: (i) Maraschino (2) Curagao (3) Chartreuse (4) brandy. Each liqueur must remain separate in the glass to give a rainbow effect.

Pousse Cafe (Jersey)

Follow recipe for Pousse Cafe, except the ingredients are (i) Chartreuse (2) brandy (3) bitters, in order of use. Use only 12 drops of bitters.

Green Chartreuse Cognac Boker's Bitters

Pousse L'Amour Egg Yolk Maraschino Vanilla Cordial Cognac

Follow recipe for Pousse Cafe, except the ingredients are in order of use (i) Maraschino (2) egg yolk (3) vanilla cordial (4) brandy. The egg yolk should be introduced with a teaspoon, and the vanilla cordial should merely cover it. Into a shaker put some fine ice, i stiff jigger of gin, and 2 dashes of bitters. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Carefully slip into the glass i teaspoon- ful of port so that it will settle grad ually. C"5]

Princeton Cocktail

Tom Gin Port Wine Orange Bitters

Made with