1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Punch a la Romaine Jamaica Rum Champagne

Into a punch bowl put the juice of 8 lemons and 4 oranges, the thin peel of 2 of the oranges, and 1% lbs. of con fectioner's sugar which stir. Then add to this juice the whites of 10 eggs pre viously beaten to froth. Stir. Chill the mixture on ice for i hour, and slowly pour into it i qt. of cold rum and i qt. of cold champagne, rapidly stirring the while. Add a chunk of ice, and serve. Into a shaker full of fine ice put jiggers of brandy, the juice of lemon, 2 dashes of Curasao, tea- spoonful of vinegar, and i tablespoon- ful of raspberry syrup. Shake well, strain into punch glass and fill with cracked ice.

Lemons Oranges Sugar Eggs Ice

Punch Grassot Cognac

Raspberry Syrup Lemon Juice

Curasao Vinegar Ice


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