1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Roman Punch Brandy Rum

Into a mixing glass put the following with plenty of shaved ice: juice of lemon, i pony each of brandy and rum, juice of Yz orange, I pony of raspberry syrup, and i pony of plain syrup. Stir well and pour into a punch glass.

Raspberry Syrup Orange Juice Lemon Juice Water Ice Syrup, Plain

Royal Fizz

Follow recipe for Golden Fizz (which see), except you use i whole egg, in stead of I egg yolk.

Royal Punch Japan Tea Cognac

Into a punch bowl put i pint of very hot tea, dissolve in it i cup of sugar, add Yz pint each of brandy and rum, i jig ger each of arrack and Curagao, Y^ pony of bitters, the juice of 3 limes, 3 slices of lemon, and cup of hot calf's-foot jelly. Stir and serve hot.

Jamaica Rum Batavia Arrack Orange Cura9ao Lime Juice Lemon Calf's-foot Jelly Sugar Angostura Bitters


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