1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Into a shaker put I drink of apple, i dash of absinthe, and 2 of Grenadine, with shaved ice. Shake, strain, and serve.

Apple Whiskey Absinthe Grenadine Ice

Tip Top Punch Cognac Champagne Lemon Juice Orange Pineapple Ice

In a rickey glass dissolve i teaspoonful of sugar in a little water, half fill glass with shaved ice, add jigger of brandy and 2 dashes of lemon juice, fill with champagne, and stir gently. Decorate with i sliver of pineapple and I slice of orange. Serve with straws. Beat the yolks of 12 eggs to water and the whites to froth. Mix them in a punch bowl and stir into the mixture i jigger each of rum and brandy, i tea- spoonful of cinnamon, teaspoonful each of cloves and allspice, and enough pulverized sugar to make the mixture form a light batter. For a drink put i tablespoonful of this batter into a mug or tumbler, add i jigger of whiskey, fill with boiling water, stir, and sprin kle with nutmeg. 1:135:

Water Sugar

Tom and Jerry (for many) Eggs Jamaica Rum Cognac Sugar Ground Cinnamon

Ground Cloves Ground Allspice Rye Whiskey Water Ground Nutmeg

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