1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Tom and Jerry (for one) Egg

Beat separately and thoroughly the Jamaica Rum white and yolk of i egg, put the beaten Cognac yolk into a Tom and Jerry mug, and Sugar add jigger of rum, i teaspoonful of Allspice fine sugar, and i pinch of allspice. Mix Nutmeg well, and then add the beaten white of Water egg and jigger of brandy. Fill with boiling water, stir, and powder with nutmeg.

Tom Collins

Follow recipe for John Collins, but sub stitute Tom Gin for Hollands Gin.

Tom Collins Brandy

Same as a John Collins, but use brandy in place of gin.

Tom Collins Rum

Same as a John Collins, but use rum in place of gin.

Tom Collins Whiskey

Another John Collins, with whiskey for gin.

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