1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Tom Collins Wine

Follow recipe for John Collins, but use 2 jiggers of claret in place of gin, and teaspoonful of sugar extra.

Trilby Cocktail Dry Gin

Shake up with fine ice two parts of gin to I part of Vermouth, and i dash each of Angostura Bitters and Orange Bit ters. Strain and serve in cocktail glass. Add a cherry.

Italian Vermouth Angostura Bitters Orange Bitters Ice Cherry

Turf Cocktail

In a shaker with ice put two parts of gin to one of Vermouth, 2 dashes of Angostura, and i of absinthe. Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.

Tom Gin Vermouth, French Orange Bitters Absinthe Ice

Tuxedo Cocktail Dry Gin Sherry Wine Absinthe Angostura Lemon Peel

In a shaker with ice put two parts of gin to one of wine, i dash each of ab sinthe and bitters. Shake well, strain and serve with a curl of lemon peel.

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